
 Happy halloween

Happy halloween. :)


I had changed my spec. Tehehehe! I'm not going to wear it. Weird kan?
Of course i got my reason..

Show you guys

Suppose that's in purple colour.
Alright, bad quality megapixel.

My mum bought a sunglass for herself. PURPLE too. Nice :)
My dad bought one too. Grey in colour. OMG..So man... *i choose one*

I still left out
- wallet
- watch


Blogged: 10:24pm



Boy I hear you in my dreams,I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart,You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend,Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky - jason mraz  

Feel like want a hair style like the pictures above! I want that!! 
OMGOMGOMG! So freaking cool!
I'm so into her now :)
Well, after SPM. I want to change my hair style again.


Yerrrrrr... Left 3 weeks.. SPM is COMING.
I want all my subject pass. =[ If can, 5 A's.
My brain got limited memory space. HOWWWW?!!!

god bless me.

Blogged: 11:30pm



Things i want to do;

- dye my hair
- curl my hair if longer
- cut a TB hair style *zomfg*

1011 ♥‌
Blogged: 5:00pm


 angel's cry

My heart stops.When you look at me,just one touch.

Now baby I believe,this is real.

So take a chance and don't ever look back..
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry 

Blogged: 2:07pm



Currently listening to speechless- Lady Gaga  .

I have nothin to say and nothin to share. Feel like delete the blog. Should or shouldn't?

Blogged: 10:08am


 Hurt me deeply

love so hard to find, when some one on your mind
baby im yours - breakbot

可是 我就是看不顺眼~

没办法吖~ 真心的嘛~

我也希望我能 :)

Blogged: 9:16pm



I need no permission, did I mention..Dont pay him any attention...Cuz you had your turn..But now you gonna learn...
What it really feels like to miss me...Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it..
Single ladies- Beyonce

Happy 17th birthday to myself
Ahahahahah! I do change alot. Don't you think so?

I have a wishlist.
I want my wish come true.
May i? :)

 Edited on 12/10/10,12:14am

If i'm not wrong, This video is credit by JoJo and Connie

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

This video is freaking funny. I was laugh like hell and feel like OMGOMGOMG! FUGLY but FUNNY!
Thankiu so much for the suprise birthday partayyy. I do love it alotsssssss,seriously :)

If this is sew by you, i feel like abit touching and I'll use it. XD

Don't shock,please /.\
Yes, This is what pOp and sy3li called SEXYYYY SLEPPING DRESS. lol!

This is a card and with money. LOL.. I guess she don't know what to give so she give cash. Useful what,for me :D

This is draw by jojo :)
Btw,Thankiu the presents :)

P/s: I'll upload the video and pictures when i get from them..wait for me.. loves

Blogged: 11:50am


 Only girl

Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keepin', you can come inside
And when you enter, you ain't leavin', be my prisoner for the night

Only girl - Rihanna

我從電腦 發現 我們的照片~
啊哈哈哈哈... 超可愛的叻 :P

回想起以前, 其實我們都有變了...
成熟? 幼稚? 自私?

說真的, 我遇到 一班 看起來好像很要好的朋友
其實 他們 都是在你背後勾心鬥角

某個女生 跟XXX 說 她不喜歡 誰誰誰
然後又說 那個 誰誰誰的壞話
她就跟那個 誰誰誰 說 :"誰誰 說你的壞話"
幾可愛下咯這位 美女 =.=

他們可以 一見面 就超級要好...
一轉身~ 哇老~ 甚么 都可以講一餐那個某某人的壞話 /.\

拜託, 檢討下你自己啦.. 好不好?
你不喜歡, 你可以跟你朋友說...

但是 請你可以不要那麼虛偽嗎?
難道 這就是 你做人的道理?


還有 我做的事, 你給的批評

你講話 句句 見血
我忍 不代表 我接受

你憑什麽 批評我?
就因為 你覺得你的 更加特別?
我不覺得 特別到哪裡去



是要讓那個人 可以記住一輩子的

所以 你認為 你所做的
可以 讓他 記住 一輩子嗎?

如果 你是 無心的

如果 你的朋友一個一個的離開你
你是不是應該 檢討下你自己的性格?

不是每個人 都可以接受的!

Blogged: 8:24pm


 I wanna feel what love is,I know you can show me

Currently listening to I Want To Know What Love Is - Mariah Carey .

Finally! Trial life is end. YEAHUUUUUU! Party life is on? Not yet. SPM is coming soon. Omygaddddddd.. so soon -__________- Banyak stress weih. So sadddd lar. STUDY STUDY and STUDY! Brain will hang geh lor.

I can't undestand why someone treat you so worst but you still fall in love with him AGAIN? Oh my dear, please.. He isn't a good guy. He did betray you. I didn't want to tell you because i don't want you get hurt. I don't want to broke your dream due to that's your first love. We did advice you so many times. Seem you are not listening to it. So fine.. I gave up on you. Go ahead! I got nothing to say again! Goodluck

and YOU! I'M FUCKING HATE YOU! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What i want to say, i done dahhh.. So I'm really so exhausted on it. I don't want to repeat the same thing again. Goodluck to you too

I love you all We promised. :)

Blogged: 9:14pm


 Girl, you're so one in a million.

Currently listening to one in a million- NE-YO  .

Now-a-days, I saw facebook got many notes talking about love. Contohnya, how to chase a girl.. how to cheer a girl.. how to care bout your girlfii and so on. Ewwwwwwww... I felt so speechless weih. This may cause a bad effect on some girls. Especially those who under form3 -.- I'm serious,okay? They haven't got a mature thinking and then start to fall in love. 99.99% kena hurt liaw lor. Or some guy follow up the "tips" on how to be a "good boyfii" and then dumb a girl's feeling. This is what i always heard. Please lar,girls.. USE YOUR EYES AND SEE YOUR BOYFII ATTITUDE. Your eyes isn't an adornment.

If you really get hurt, be tough. If you wanna cry, hold your tears,turn around and cry nobody. If you get betray, don't think so much. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO!

Anyways, in chinese.. got one sentences is meaningful and yes, i trust this.

Blogged: 3:08pm


 Wake me up when the september ends.

Hello,peeps. I am back to here again.. I miss everthing that i had before. Oppppsss... not him! I hate the feeling,seriously. You bring alot of sadness into my life. YOU CAN'T IMAGINE HOW MUCH I HATE YOU! It doesn't matter what. That's what you suppose to deserve! What you did to every girl, i'll tell to everyone. You can say i'm too busybadyyy. Oh..My dear, This is ME! Original me! Don't blame me,please. I am just telling the TRUTH. :) If you didn't done with that, so how come i'll say so? Brainless people! Such a dumbass. I dare to curse you! You always say you gonna leave the world! OMGAWDDDD! How come now you still alive? Before, I still can stand for it, I feel you will change your attitude or else. Seem like, you didn't do so. Ahahahaha! I can't stand for a guy dumb a girl's feeling, EVER!

What if this world have a loud speaker for spreading a news to world, you know what i am gonna do the next. :D
What if i'm a killer, i won't kill you, even i hate you. I'll use tranquilizer gun for making you faint and then capture your nude body. You know what i am gonna do the next. :D

One day, you will get your retribution. I'm waiting for it! Good luck to you.

Blogged: 5:59pm



I'm so bored to my old blog. Don't ask me why :/
New blog, new post, new life.

Blogged: 8:82pm