

Today is the last day of 2010. Finally 2011 is coming. Time passed so fast. I finished up my 5 years secondary life. I miss my schoolmates. Not teachers, especially discipline teacher,i doubt you too. p/s: but still im a good girl :P Imma getting eighteen a awesome age,i guess.This year, I have been gone through alot of shitty stuff. you know,i know,we know.
Girls , i have alot of words for yous.

First, # Crystal aka Crys aka Ah Chin
Let's flash back.We knew each other since standard 3. A skinny,short and lazy girl which is always caned by teacher,due to didn't done your homework. Standard 6,we in the same hotelroom when our graduation trip,we gossip all the night with another 2 girls and wenkang. lmao. After trip,holiday met you at kampung. Our grandma know each others. What can i say? That's FATE of us ! Form 1,I get into a horrible friendship make me cried a few times and scared. I have no friends. How im gonna face to others. Luckily, Form 2 i knew you but we are not so close that time. Rmb? We argued? I still laugh-out-loud now. *slap* Form 3, Im the one who suggest you be with the dumb. I knew that a worst memories EVER. In fact,I own you a apologize,seriously! I'm sorry . I got princess temper which is noone can stand of it but you. Imma too over ad. Hahaha. p/s: dont worry,now im so nice liaw,right? :P  We started to be close day by day. Form4, I be with him, you are the one who against. :) Well, love is blind We skipped tution went for movie,shopping,eating. The best one is skipped to midvalley. That's a so damn bravo -_____- but we used to be like this. p/s: now feel like wasting time eh. lmao! Form5, we skipped class when chemistry period. He dumb you,you feel sad. I rush to your house. Suppose I want to give you a warm hug and ask you don't be sad but I'm so shy. You know? You create a secret birthday party for me. Actually,I knew it. I'm the one who holding my mum's handphone and put loudspeaker and she talked to you.Ahahahahahaha! I tell you a secret here, after I listened, i did tears and insomnia,too excited?lol Btw, I appreciate everything you did for me. ily

Second, # Jojo aka Yuen Ling
She got a cherry mouth,so small,damn! Form1, we are in the same class but not closed at all. hahahahaha! First impression, why this girl so damn white huh and mouth so small one -________- Form2 started to close. Very shy and cool. Brain got alot of weird idea. Which always make us laugh-out-loud. Thankiu for attending the party and the card as present. i love it ! Baby♥ ,you'll be a great designer in future :)

Third, # Syeli aka Ah Li
She got a damn big eye which always sot peoples , especially guys. right? :P She eat alots but she still is so damn skinny, i swear! 170cm,40kg. I'm so envy lorr.. I'm fat :( I met you since form2,we are closed that time. You are scorpio,is it this is why you protect yourself too over? We skipped tution with crys,sometimes with pop. HAHAHAHA!!! so bad girl :P Your mum always thought i'm the good girl . Shhhhhhh... Girl , Don't always hurt yourself and keep everything inside. We'll be there always. Ohya,like your party? Syeli song,so cute. The party not what I thought but still going smoothly. You did cried, don't blame the video,please. I know you feel suprise . tehehehehe. Don't get hurt again,my dear . That's not worth. You have been gone through alot of shitty relationship.I hope you already find a right guy which treat you nicely. ily

Fourth, #Lollipop aka 33
Form3 you shifted to our school and our class. Still rmb you twisted your foot. We feel so weird and talk something bad about you. Not worry, you're our baby ♥.We get to be closed. Pink is your favourite colour always,Green is a yucky colour for you. How cute you are? Form4 same tution,sometimes got skipped tution. Even you skipped,you still done your homework, not like us. :P You're a very good girl, no lie. Sometimes,stubborn abit. lol. No doubt,Everyone like you. You used to be cute . You be with your hubby so great. Your relationship going smoothly,maybe?  Congrate to you .

We don't know what happen another day but I appreciate our relationfriendship. I hope you girls healthy and happy. Of course,wealthy in future. *winkssssss*
Last but not least, ! RAWRRRRRRRR ~ I love yous and yes,i mean it

Blogged: 9:46pm




1) 人家講話酸酸的或帶刺
不管是對我還是我的朋友, 只要我感覺到你有這樣的意思,你就死定了 :)
至於我的家人, 等我會賺錢, 我管你是哪個三姑六婆, 我照頂你!

2) 在車上有人吵吵鬧鬧
難道沒有機會給你吵個夠嗎? 怕死人家認為你是啞的啊? 想安靜下都不能!

3) 沒有沖凉就躺在我床上
尤其是那種頭髮油到爆的, 你沒有沖凉的話, 請你坐地上

4) 弄壞我喜愛的東西
弄壞, 可以修好的, 我原諒你
弄壞, 可以買回的, 我原諒你
弄壞, 買不回的, 道歉, 我原諒你
弄壞, 修不好的, 道歉, 我原諒你
弄壞, 不道歉,不賠回給我

那你就要保證我不知道你喜歡甚么了 :)

5) 人家搞砸我辦的活動
明明就是要開開心心的, 既然不喜歡, 那就別去, 有沒有你都不重要了 :)

6) 有人全身黏黏然后靠近我
你不覺得你很骯髒嗎? 如果你還覺得你這樣很乾淨, 沒關係, 我原諒你.家教問題

7) 做家務
這個我懶 :X

8) 有人把我的東西拿了不放回位子/ 不放整齊
如果你不知道, 沒關係.. 我原諒你..
但是 如果你知道, 請你放好..

9) 比我還熱情的人
我已經算是 很熱情了 =-= 你還嚴重過我? 先生, 和你很熟?

10) 誤解我的意思
是你的理解能力差, 還是我的表達能力不好..
沒關係, 我沒有解釋的必要
Blogged: 11:52am


 Don't trust guy

Blogged: 3:16pm



在你看這篇文章, 不喜歡可以按 右上角的 [X]
請別對號入座.. 我只是有感而發..
請不要 吝嗇你的幾秒的時間 按 LIKE :D

就要踏進 新的一年, 新的生活, 新的開始嗎?
前途 對每個人來說 很重要
貴人, 請你出現.. 指點迷津下我吧...

誰不想 坐在家裡 就有錢 給你花
除非 你上輩子 做超多好事
所以讓你在 有錢到不行的 家庭

但是 天下沒有白吃的午餐
所以 只有努力 和 腳踏實地

或許 你認為我講話有刺?
或許 你認為我家有錢?
或許 是我想像力太豐富?
我只是不相信 甚么捷徑 去賺快錢

讓很多人 傾家蕩產
報應 會找上你的

我看錢 很重
或許 很不好?
但是 你沒有錢
你有什麽 地位 可以說話
你有什麽 本事 讓你花錢

除非你天生就是 美女 而且 有顆聰明的頭腦
或者你沒有漂亮的臉孔 但是 你天生就是天才

不然 你不腳踏實地的
怎麼 賺錢?

就像 你現在 讀什麽課程
但是 至少 也要有點 關係到吧?
不然 你父母 花那麼多錢供你讀來幹嘛啊

就算 你是自己借錢讀, 自己還
浪費你的時間, 浪費你的金錢

難道 我有錯嘛?
反正 都是有興趣的, 沒差啊

重點是 以後我要賺回 我讀的科系的錢
我只是想讓 我父母 以後生活好過點
我只想 盡我的能力
畢竟 你有錢, 人家看你的眼光也不一樣

除非 你真的沒有甚么需求
你真的只是那種 有米吃, 有一份安定又簡單的工作
那恭喜你, 你的存在還蠻有意義的

Blogged: 11:37pm



I wish you a happy Christmas early
Hope my wish can come true. Emmmm... and yours too :)

Hit this! Wait me, i'll bring you home !!




Feel like changing my blog template again. :D
Any idea?



太多字眼 來形容 你的作風
那就是 侮辱了 那些高尚的 文字
但是 "賤" 字 還蠻適合 形容你

那簡直就像 一堆屎
臭到 只是 吸引一堆無知的蝴蝶


但是 請你不要干擾人家的生活
你已經 傷了你父母的心
所以請 不要傷 人家父母的心


就算有天, 你得到報應


Blogged: 8:36pm



Like you are happy 



我是典型天蝎. 相信嗎?

Blogged: 9:49pm



談戀愛明明就是兩個人的事, 好不好?!
每次搞到那麼的.... *詞窮,抱歉*
我承認 那還蠻感動的
可是也不需要 搞得好像 那麼的 耀眼.. *澄清:我沒有妒忌 與羡慕*

最近看到好多video... -.-"
當事人覺得感動, 我看著,在想:"人又不是我, 我可以感受什麽.. 囧 "
如果只是想證明 你們有多親密,恩愛 哈哈~ 你們倒成功了.. :D
可是 我又在想:"分手了, 還會那麼高調嗎?"
當然, 我是希望你們會幸福..

但是 咱們等著瞧吧!
非常的抱歉, 畢竟現實是殘酷的

Blogged: 12:49am


 Have a deep smile

Left out CHEMISTRY and ART!
My life will get into normal -.-

Can't wait for it,seriously!

I feel like taking a short course during the months for waiting the result.
My first choice is BRIDAL MAKE UP!
Well, I love those art art stuff  :)
BUT I don't know which and where to go for this -.-

Any suggestion? :D

Blogged: 10:07pm